Lowest Price : Jerdon HL9510N Oval Lighted Table Top Mirror with 3-Inch Spot Mirror, 10X Magnification and 15X Magnification, Nickel Finish
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Cheap Price Now! Jerdon HL9510N Oval Lighted Table Top Mirror with 3-Inch Spot Mirror, 10X Magnification and 15X Magnification, Nickel Finish !!!
$$$ Product Details : Jerdon HL9510N Oval Lighted Table Top Mirror with 3-Inch Spot Mirror, 10X Magnification and 15X Magnification, Nickel Finish
- Regular reflection and 10X magnification
- Oval illumination makes applying makeup and shaving easy
- Swivel design allows for multiple viewing angles accompanied by a 3-Inch, 15x magnification spot mirror
- 8-inches x 10-inches in diameter and stands 17.5-inches high
- Comes with a variable rotary switch for variable lighting and a 1-year limited warranty
$$$ Jerdon HL9510N Oval Lighted Table Top Mirror with 3-Inch Spot Mirror, 10X Magnification and 15X Magnification, Nickel Finish - - Review by Jaden
I gotten Jerdon HL9510N Oval Lighted Table Top Mirror with 3-Inch Spot Mirror, 10X Magnification and 15X Magnification, Nickel Finish - product the other day. It helped exactly as presented. Beneficial item. User helpful to the idea that I did not need to have to study any guidance to operate. Checked the distances with other item and seems to be to be very precise. Glad I made the purchasing. I would recommend highly this products to you.
Buy Now! Jerdon HL9510N Oval Lighted Table Top Mirror with 3-Inch Spot Mirror, 10X Magnification and 15X Magnification, Nickel Finish