Today Sale : SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray
You wish SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray with rescue price? We now have fantastic deals for SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray. It is quite affordable now.
Cheap Price Now! SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray !!!
$$$ Product Details : SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray
- Capacity 0.68 cubic foot / 1175 cubic inch
- UL classified 1/2 hour fire protection and ETL verified 1/2 hour fire protection for CD's, DVD's, USB drives and memory stick up to 1550ºF
- ETL verified waterproof
- Exterior dimensions: 13 3/32 by 15 7/16 by 14 11/16-inch D
- Interior dimensions: 11 5/16 by 12 by 9 1/2-inch
$$$ SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray - - Review by Luke
I gotten SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray - product the other day. It proved helpful exactly as advertised. Great product. User welcoming to the idea that I did not need to have to learn any instructions to operate. Checked the distances with other items and would seem to be to be very right. Thankful I made the select. I would recommend highly this product to you.
Buy Now! SentrySafe H4100 FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File, 1175 Cubic Inches, Silver Gray